

"True budo is not used to destroy the enemy, but to make him like to give up his attack"

(Morihei Ueshiba)

Aikido: The intelligent way

Solving aggression, struggle and confrontation peacefully is what aikido is about. Attacks are not blocked, there are no hard blows, no brutal counterattacks. The principles are: let pass, pick up and redirect. The result is astounding and sometimes spectacular. Attackers and defenders meet in a common, flowing movement whose dynamics and aesthetics delight. And so there is no struggle, no winners and no losers, only the perfection of movement and the growth of personality and inner strength.

Aikido was developed in Japan in the mid-20th century by Morihei Ueshiba from various other Japanese martial arts. His idea was to realize traditional Budo, the "way of the warrior", in a new, contemporary form. For him, the focus was not on the destruction of the attacker, but on controlling the attack and dialogue. Aikido trains body and mind and inspires more and more people today with its precision, effectiveness and beauty.

The term Aikido is composed of the three syllables: Ai = harmony, Ki = energy and Do = path and thus describes the central principles of this martial art: A personal path that can enrich your life in energetic and harmonious exchange with others. Or to put it in a very pragmatic way: a concept for the peaceful resolution of conflicts and for more well-being in your life.

You can find information for beginners here.

Aikido for everyone: advanced and beginners train together

Practicing big and small, beginners and advanced students together is an important principle in Aikido, so everyone learns from everyone.
For beginners, we also offer a special hour on Mondays at 6:00 p.m., in which we learn how to smoothly roll and learn the basic techniques. So you can slowly find your way into the movements if you want. From the beginning, however, you can also take part in all other lessons and develop yourself further by practicing with advanced students.

You can find our other training dates in our Timetable.

In our video you can see how a training session goes:

 Kimusubi: The magic of connection

Heidi Grot, 5th Dan Aikikai Tokyo

Otfried May, 1st Dan Aikikai Tokyo

Reiner Buchholz, 4th Dan Aikikai Tokyo

"Aikido is communication" - a sentence that is as simple as it is central from the book of our teacher Franck Noel (7th Dan, Shihan). For us this is an invitation, the central principle and program of our lessons. Kimusubi describes the idea of ​​connecting with the exercise partner in a common movement, looking for contact with their center and training their own inner strength in this cooperation. That is the "magic of connection" - a way, not a goal.

We maintain intensive connections to other like-minded people all over the world and regularly attend seminars in different countries in Europe and in Japan. Learning together and exchanging is an important, everyday principle for us. Many highly qualified guest teachers therefore regularly supplement our classes. As organizers of Europe's largest international aikido festival "Aikido Summer Berlin" we promote and live this idea together with the teachers and participants from more than 10 nations.

Tradition and organization: A clear concept

We teach Aikido according to the traditions of Aikikai Tokyo, the world association of Aikido based in Tokyo (Hombu Dojo). Important teachers for us are: Franck Noel, Shihan, 7th Dan from Toulouse, Takeshi Yamashima, Shihan, 8th Dan from Tokyo and Seishiro Endo, Shihan, 8th Dan from Saku / Japan. The Kranich Dojo Berlin is a member of the international Shimbokukai Aikido Association with recognition from the Hombu Dojo Tokyo (Aikido headquarters).

We follow the graduation principles of Aikikai Tokyo. Accordingly, we graduate the students of our dojo from 5th kyu to 1st kyu in agreement with our association and the criteria of the international Hombu Dojo headquarters in Tokyo. Graduations from the 1st Dan (master degrees) are carried out by Heidi Grot in cooperation with the the Aikido Federation Germany and are also recognized by Aikikai Tokyo.

Takeshi Yamashima Shihan with uke Heidi Grot Shidoin

Yamashima Shihan mit Uke Heidi Grot 5. Dan
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