
Self-assertion and self-defense for children

Abuses against yourself are scary! It often does not matter whether it is an assault with words or physical violence ......Both are very painful.

Next weekend seminar: 9th October, 14 - 18 hour

Please register:

 Stop violence!

We practice defense against all forms of violence, through words (bullying), through social behavior (exclusion) and also through physical assault. The main thing is to strengthen self-confidence and not to adopt victimhood.

We playfully deal with the topics of fear, violence, bullying and sexual abuse with lots of practical exercises and practice possible strategies for behavior. The main aim is to recognize dangerous situations, to develop self-confidence and to be able to effectively stop and escape attacks in an emergency.

The course contains the following elements:

What is a perpetrator, what is a victim, how does someone become one or the other?

How do I behave in the event of bullying?

What is violence?

How can I defend myself or help others?

What can I do about violence by stronger / groups?

What do I do about fear and shock stiffness?

What is sexual abuse?

How do I behave towards strangers?

How can I free myself when adults / stronger people take me?

Where can I find help?

Intensive course at the weekend or vacation course

The courses can be booked as a whole or you can be put on a list of interested parties and if the minimum number of participants (10) is reached, we will find an appointment.
The weekend course takes place on one day and lasts 4 hours. The vacation course lasts two days with 2,5 hours each.

Prices: weekend course 45, - € / per child; Holiday course 45, - € / per child

Registration, questions, information at:

Heidi Grot

Aikido teacher, 5th Dan Aikido, Shidoin, (Aikikai Tokyo)

Violence prevention and self-defense teacher

(Federal Association for Prevention of Violence and Self-Defense))

Talking about your own experiences and finding solutions to problems together

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